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Press Releases & News

Press Release: Endorsement of the City of Barrie’s Request to Queen’s Park

October 31, 2023

The Barrie Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the City of Barrie and their request to the Province of Ontario for support in expanding our employment lands. “Ensuring that the economic prospects of the city, region, and province as a whole are maximized by capitalizing on Barrie’s attractiveness as a place for businesses to establish, grow,…

Press Release: 2023 Barrie Santa Claus Parade, New Route

October 26, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Barrie – October 26 2023) The Barrie Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to share exciting news is on the horizon! With sections of last year’s route receiving some well earned TLC, it provided us with an opportunity!  This year, we’re giving our beloved Barrie Santa Claus Parade a magical makeover with a…

Mind the Gap: Addressing the Mental Health and Addictions Echo Pandemic

October 16, 2023

Small and Medium-Size Businesses Face Outsized Challenges Due to Mental Health “Echo Pandemic”   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  (Toronto – October 17, 2023) – Ontario’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are facing the negative effects of declining employee and community mental health as a result of what experts are calling the mental health “echo pandemic.” Today, the…

Small Businesses at the Heart of the Innovation Economy

October 16, 2023

Small Businesses at the Heart of the Innovation Economy NEWS RELEASE  (Barrie & Simcoe County – October 16, 2023) - Small businesses have always been the backbone of Ontario’s economy, a driving force behind innovation and economic growth in the province. These resilient enterprises generate new ideas, create jobs and foster community resilience. This year, the…

Ontario Economic Report Fall 2023 Survey

October 11, 2023

The Barrie Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) are looking for your insights on issues that matter to your businesses. How confident are you in Ontario’s economy and your organization’s outlook? What should governments prioritize to drive economic growth?       Your participation in our annual Business Confidence Survey is as important as…

Increase to Ontario’s Minimum Wage Oct. 1st

September 29, 2023

Ontario Chamber of Commerce Statement: Starting Sunday, October 1, Ontario’s minimum wage will increase from $15.50 to $16.55 per hour. This is a scheduled increase that takes place every October. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is supportive of scheduled increases so that businesses have time to plan. What businesses value most, is predictability. When the increases…

Small Business, BIG IDEAS

September 21, 2023

Small Business Week October 15 to 21, 2023 Small businesses have always been the backbone of Simcoe County community and economy. Against the compounding challenges of the pandemic, these very businesses continue to develop new ideas, create more jobs, and facilitate community resilience.  As part of the annual Small Business Week’s Small Business, Big Ideas…

CEBA Repayment Extension

September 18, 2023

Canada Emergency Business Account: Government extends repayment and partial loan forgiveness deadlines On September 14, 2023, the Prime Minister announced extended deadlines for Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan repayments, providing an additional year for term loan repayment, and additional flexibilities for loan holders looking to benefit from partial loan forgiveness of up to 33…

OCC: Power Of The Purchase Order

September 13, 2023

READ THE BRIEF September 13, 2023 Ontario spends nearly $30 billion each year procuring goods and services, from pencils to complex medical technologies. When making those purchases, government and the broader public sector have a responsibility to provide value for taxpayers, as well as a unique ability to foster new markets, improved living standards, and…

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services

August 29, 2023

Supporting Healthy & Safe Workplaces in Ontario August 2023   Every employer and worker shares responsibility for occupational health and safety. At Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), we’re here to provide you with the information and support you need to work safely. WSPS is a not-for-profit organization offering health and safety expertise and resources…

Press Release: 2023 – 2024 Barrie Chamber Executive Team

August 17, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Barrie – August 18, 2023) – The Barrie Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Mayor Alex Nuttall for addressing our Board of Directors and administering the Oath of Office. We’re excited to see what this dynamic team will bring to the Barrie Business Community for 2023 – 2024. Our newly elected…


August 15, 2023

Updates from the Commissioner for Employers Government Announcements Employment and Social Development Canada August 8, 2023 On August 8th the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, launched the Recognized Employer Pilot (formerly the “trusted employer program”). This three-year pilot is intended to streamline the TFW application process for some employers.…



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