It's not us, it's them!
It has come to our attention that an email is being circulated once again, claiming to have our mailing list for sale.
The Barrie Chamber of Commerce respects your privacy and does not provide contacts for sale or distribution, such as this email claims.
If you get an email from anyone claiming to have access to this information:
- Do not interact with the email in anyway (i.e. do not reply to it, do not click any links). Doing so will only serve to verify your email is active to the scammers.
- Please flag is as spam with your email client (gmail, outlook, etc.) and disregard it.
- They are not associated with us in anyway and do not have access to our members private information.
- Your information with us is secure and we have NOT been compromised.
Please rest assured that the Barrie Chamber takes your privacy very seriously and adheres to all Canadian Privacy Laws. Reach out directly to our office if you have any concerns, we'll be happy to discuss them with you.
How did they get your email?
Every time you post your email on the internet, it can be gleaned from the internet. Internet crawlers or spam bots are programs that comb the internet for information. They scrape contact information, create fake user accounts, or operate stolen social media accounts.
Sadly it is all too easy for them to generate email lists that tag the geographical area that they're from.

Why do they target the Barrie Chamber?
Not to toot our own horn, but we've got a great reputation here in Barrie. We represent the Barrie Business Community. So they use our good name, attempting to get into your good graces and hope you'll interact with them.
We will NEVER share or sell the information of our members. Your information is safe with us.